"I am..."

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Szkoła partnerska z Prato we Włoszech.


Realizacja projektu rozpoczęła się 1 listopada 2011 roku i potraw około 6 miesięcy.              W projekcie bierze udział ponad 50 szkół i przedszkoli z 13 krajów (Rumunia, Islandia, Polska, Turcja, Portugalia, Włochy, Francja, Bułgaria, Wielka Brytania, Łotwa, Litwa, Hiszpania, Grecja). 

Każdy z partnerów zaprezentował swoją szkołę i uczniów. My przesłaliśmy krótką prezentację.

Hands - Mani - Ręce


I am a...

Easter Rooster

We are playing in the theater.

Head, shoulders, knees and toes...

Our body reacts to the speech of the music.

Poem about eyes, ears, touch, smell and taste



By Kim Howey


My eyes can see the stars

When the sky is dark and clear.

My ears can hear my cat

As she purrs beneath my ear.

My hands can touch a book,

Each page a dream, a wish.

My mouth can taste a pepper

That spices up my dish.

My nose can smell a lilac,

Its subtle scent so sweet.

My heart can know the Savior,

That one day we will meet.



My Wonderful Senses


By Amber Leigh Greyson


Ten little fingers, ten little toes,

(Wiggle fingers then wiggle toes)

Two eyes, two ears,

(Point to eyes and then ears)

One mouth, and one nose.

(Point to mouth and then nose)

My ten little fingers are busy all day

(Hold up fingers)

Touching and feeling as they work and play.

(Wiggle fingers in air)

My ten little toes like to feel things too—

(Point to feet)

Thick soft grass and very wet muddy goo.

(Make walking motion with feet and pretend to step in mud)

My two eyes see things wherever I turn.

(Point to eyes and turn head back and forth)

My two ears listen and help me learn.

(Cup hands around ears as if to listen)

My mouth helps me taste and talk and sing.

(Point to mouth)

My wonderful nose smells everything.

(Point to nose and take a big sniff)